special for Muhi) Duelist) Formula for calculation sonics(old):
(Skill Power + 2 * P.Atk) * (1 + 30% * (Focus Count - 1)) * 70 / Target P.Def
2 * P.Atk - if use SS
For example we have 1000 P.Atk and Target P.Def 700, we want to know damage with 7 charges and with 5 by using Sonic Blaster lv37=1827:
Same with all skills which we can charge.
For other skills which don't need to charge this formula:
(Skill Power + 2 * P.Atk) * 70 / Target P.Def
Formulas for calculation charge-skills of Duelist(new):
Lineage II: Chaotic Chronicle - Scions of Destiny
Simple skills: ( SS * Duelist P.Atk + Skill Power ) * DS * Duals * CH * 70 / Target P.Def
Charge-skills: ( SS * Duelist P.Atk + Skill Power ) * ( 1 + 0,3 * (Focus Count - 1 ) ) * DS * Duals * CH * 70 / Target P.Def
Focus Count - number of charges.
SS - soulshots modifier, can be 2.04 / 1.00.
DS - variable which at use of skill Duelist Spirit in PVP will be 1.05, at other situations will be 1.00.
Duals - duals bonus in PvP, for A and S duals - 1.05, for heroics - 1.10 ( or 1.05 * 1.05 ), for others - 1.00.
CH - parameter of critical blows, has two meanings 2.00 / 1.00.
Lineage II: Chaotic Throne - Interlude
Damage = SS * ( Duelist P.Atk + Skill Power ) * ( 1 + 0,2 * (Focus Count - 1 ) ) * DS * Duals * CH * 70 / Target P.Def
Focus Count - number of charges.
SS - soulshots modifier, can be 2.04 / 1.00.
DS - variable which at use of skill Duelist Spirit in PVP will be 1.10, at other situations will be 1.00.
Duals - duals bonus in PvP, for A and S duals - 1.05, for heroics - 1.10 ( or 1.05 * 1.05 ), for others - 1.00.
CH - parameter of critical blows, has two meanings 2.00 / 1.00.