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Forum moderator: UBplanet, Reemet  
AmbiosDate: Monday, 2008-07-07, 11:37 AM | Message # 1
Group: Visitor
Messages: 86
Status: Offline
Name: Ambios
Age: 18
Your country: No matter. GMT+3
Nick on abyss: Ambios
Your class (main and sub classe's):Main: Hawkeye. Sub0: Storm Screamer. Sub 1: Bishop(soon cardinal if needed, if no need, I will add any other support) sub3: Sub for PK counter cleanup
How long you play LA2?: About 1.5-2 years
How Long you play abyss x300?:1-1.5 years
When you usualy play, and how much;(Morning,night etc...):It's summer so I have no exact day order. Mainly I play morning, evening and night sometimes till morning
In what clan you was before?:Foxhounds(Legend's clan. )
Why you left earlyer clan if you had it?: We failed to create a clan cuz of lack of active players
Where/how did you heard for us?:Met x501x on Cabrio xD
Your PvP/PK score?:not much about 150/0 (I mainly pvp on MDT or Colloseum and this is young char, on main I had about 5k++++)
Do you agree with clan rulls ?:Y
Why you decided to join us?:Want to act in reborn of conclave
Do you have twinks;(nick/'s): Ambi - destroyer mainly for RBs and maybe Olly and stuff for buff >.<
Your ICQ/MSN:PM in game
Do you use TeamSpeak:?y

Message edited by Ambios - Monday, 2008-07-07, 11:37 AM
501Date: Monday, 2008-07-07, 11:52 AM | Message # 2
Sexual pervert
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1369
Status: Offline
Quote (Ambios)
Your country: No matter.

Again u act like newbie :P If you look under the avatars,near your IP is specified your "Russian Federation" in this case smile
By the way my vote is u're in.

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

BurnYourAssDate: Monday, 2008-07-07, 12:34 PM | Message # 3
Restricted Power of Burning
Group: Clan Member
Messages: 372
Status: Offline
I think we can invie him to clan :>
we need good player's who know how to play

Retired - Nah out !
Conclave proud member since: Friday, 2007-07-06, 3:41 Am.
AmbiosDate: Monday, 2008-07-07, 12:39 PM | Message # 4
Group: Visitor
Messages: 86
Status: Offline
Quote (501)
Again u act like newbie :P If you look under the avatars,near your IP is specified your "Russian Federation" in this case

That means that I use Russian Proxy and nothing more. If my IP is Russian that means ABSOLUTELY nothing >.< I just live close to Russia...

thx for votes.

ROFLInMySoulDate: Monday, 2008-07-07, 1:04 PM | Message # 5
Head Moderator (RU)
Group: Clan Member
Messages: 189
Status: Offline
Ambios, за! xD не верю (с) Станиславский что русский прокси xD
my vote +1. and i think need cardinal wink
Quote (501)
Again u act like newbie :P If you look under the avatars,near your IP is specified your "Russian Federation" in this case

Mladen noob. if i look under avatar, i dont see IP. cuz ip can see only admin's\moders
AmbiosDate: Monday, 2008-07-07, 1:41 PM | Message # 6
Group: Visitor
Messages: 86
Status: Offline
Quote (ROFLInMySoul)

Ok will transfer this night >.<

501Date: Monday, 2008-07-07, 1:57 PM | Message # 7
Sexual pervert
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1369
Status: Offline
You are welcome

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

UBplanetDate: Monday, 2008-07-07, 8:01 PM | Message # 8
Poorest guy in clan
Group: Clan Member
Messages: 620
Status: Offline
Mladen noob. if i look under avatar, i dont see IP. cuz ip can see only admin's\moders

so I see too, u don't have to see.

By the way my vote is u're in.

since when u vote for in instead of inviting to clan? :P

You are welcome


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Conclave Team 2006-2009