Name: Adrien
Age: 17
Your country: France
Nick on abyss: llPowerfull Your class (main and sub classe's): Artisan : To Invoque a mechanis golem for a futur siege with the clan
To craft armor ans weapon S for the clan
How long you play LA2?: 1 year , I have play on low , middle and hight rate
How Long you play abyss x300?: Two weeks
When you usualy play, and how much;(Morning,night etc...): Wednesday , Week end and a lot during holidays
In what clan you was before?: Nothing
Why you left earlyer clan if you had it?: /
Where/how did you heard for us?: Speedfreak has power pex me , and I search a english guild with fun players.
I have just see you in game
Your PvP/PK score? 10 / 5
I am new ^^ , In a other serveur I had 1200/500 ,
Do you agree with clan rulls: Yes
Why you decided to join us : I search a fun guild with a lot of members for a good community
and I have seen you in game. I want to help the clan to be more puissant.
Me , I have already up a guild lvl 8 in a middle serveur ( rate 30 )
Do you use TeamSpeak: No for the moment