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Forum moderator: UBplanet, Reemet  
i want to join :)
Ench4ntoDate: Monday, 2007-09-10, 2:33 PM | Message # 1
Group: Visitor
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Name: Klim
Age: 17
Your country: Russia
Nick on abyss: Ench4nto
Your class (main and sub classe's): ES MM ST BS
How long you play LA2?: 2 years
How Long you play abyss x300?: ~1-2 month
When you usualy play, and how much;(Morning,night etc...): evening. can play ~6 hours per day
In what clan you was before?: conclavelegion :)
Why you left earlyer clan if you had it?: that clan was broken
Where/how did you heard for us?: mm... allychat?
Your PvP/PK score?: 538 / 33
Do you agree with clan rulls?: yes ofcoz :)
Why you decided to join us?: i think u r teh best :p
Do you have twinks;(nick/'s): w1ndow, w1nd0w (bd,sws)
Your ICQ/MSN: 357717683
Do you use TeamSpeak?: can use

no more tearz 2cry. h8 world. h8 u.

Message edited by Ench4nto - Monday, 2007-09-10, 6:09 PM
gmsn8Date: Monday, 2007-09-10, 2:41 PM | Message # 2
Group: Visitor
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
enchant i think saw you in other clan the 2 last days and you want to join conclave

QueenofDagger is here and ready to prepare for battle!!!!
Ench4ntoDate: Monday, 2007-09-10, 3:44 PM | Message # 3
Group: Visitor
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
i was in Nima's clan for few hours today, no more
at satturday i ll can join conclave legend

no more tearz 2cry. h8 world. h8 u.
gmsn8Date: Monday, 2007-09-10, 4:07 PM | Message # 4
Group: Visitor
Messages: 16
Status: Offline
ok!Why you don't join conclavelegion because we are not enough!:)

QueenofDagger is here and ready to prepare for battle!!!!
DragNeRDate: Monday, 2007-09-10, 6:08 PM | Message # 5
Very very Active
Group: Visitor
Messages: 191
Status: Offline
Enchan no never in Legend clan tongue But go in new clan

Kill before be kill

=>better if you are my friend... my enemy are dead before be dead :]

SEMPER FIDELIS (remerber the little dwarf :] )

*C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S. =Conclave Leglon Irritating Terror-Oriented Rampant Incontrollable Squad

501Date: Monday, 2007-09-10, 6:43 PM | Message # 6
Sexual pervert
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1369
Status: Offline
You will join to new ConclaveLegion clan.

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

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Conclave Team 2006-2009