1. Nickname: CzesioPL
2. Realname: Hubert
3. What is ur main class and subclasses: main: Mystic Muse , Sub: Soultaker,Adwenturer, Hiperprophet
4. What is ur experience of L2: I play on Abyss x3 x7 and x300 , DragonNetwork(no good serwer)
5. When and how often do u play and how many hours per day: i play always 3-4h everyday:)) too much;p
6. Can u be on all sieges and planned events: ofcoures i love siege
7. Can u be on forum everyday: i can see everyday news on formu
8. Ur attitude to PK and PvP: i hate PK i have only 14 and 943 PVP
9. Why you have chosen our clan: I thining is the beast clan on x300
10. Do u have friends in our ally: Wersensus, Judegang, Elficzka, WolfPriest 1. How old r u: 13
2. What is ur interests in life except L2: fotball and cars
3. Contact information(ICQ, mail, phone number) matt121@o2.pl