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Forum moderator: UBplanet, Reemet  
DodoMVPDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 6:17 PM | Message # 1
Group: Visitor
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Name: Avasiloaei Dorin
Age: 19
Your country: Romania
Nick on abyss: DodoMVP
Your class (main and sub classe's): SpellHowler (on the last task from the subclass quest)
How long you play LA2?: 2.5 years (L2 Dexternet, L2Extreme, L2Gold, L2Revenge)
How Long you play abyss x300?: 2 days
When you usualy play, and how much;(Morning,night etc...): I play a lot, mostly at night
In what clan you was before?: none
Why you left earlyer clan if you had it?: N/A
Where/how did you heard for us?: abyss forum
Your PvP/PK score?: 13/14
Do you agree with clan rulls?: sure
Why you decided to join us?: I need a clan and this clan is one of my best options
Do you have twinks;(nick/'s):
Your ICQ/MSN: avasiloaei.dorin [at]
Do you use TeamSpeak:? yes

NOTE: I compensate the fact that my work keeps me from playing like an addict by frequently donating money for items.
Although I'm new to this server, I have already made my first donation and I'm waiting for the credits.

When evaluating my application please don't consider the lack of subclasses and time played on abyss.

DevianceDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 6:55 PM | Message # 2
Very Active
Group: Friends
Messages: 128
Status: Offline
Quote (DodoMVP)
(on the last task from the subclass quest)

Make first Noblesse then write the application again

Added (2007-10-27, 11:55 Am)
P.S. u speak english very good, u use translator?

<=== this is FatSanta [FatMafia, FatSatan etc....] xD
DodoMVPDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 7:09 PM | Message # 3
Group: Visitor
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
No, I don't use any translator, although my native language is Romanian I also speak English and Spanish fluently.

Thank you for your reply.
I thought I should search for a clan before finishing the quest because I find it very difficult to find party members for raid bosses on this server where most players only speak russian.

DevianceDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 7:40 PM | Message # 4
Very Active
Group: Friends
Messages: 128
Status: Offline
Yes you are right, 70 % of players are Russian, I hope Conclave will help you to end a quest and kill rb
I think you enough pro player, and I shall give you mine +

<=== this is FatSanta [FatMafia, FatSatan etc....] xD
357841Jun1orDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 8:32 PM | Message # 5
Group: Visitor
Messages: 179
Status: Offline
WHy u do application.U DON"T HAVE NOBL.HERE JOIN ONLY PPL WITH NOBL.Close this topic

Respect to dwarfs
Respect To C O N C L A V E



WolfPriestDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 8:40 PM | Message # 6
Group: Friends
Messages: 24
Status: Offline
WHy u do application.U DON"T HAVE NOBL.HERE JOIN ONLY PPL WITH NOBL.Close this topic

ok ok junior
mb he dont know that ?

357841Jun1orDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 8:50 PM | Message # 7
Group: Visitor
Messages: 179
Status: Offline
I amEVILright?.SRY

Respect to dwarfs
Respect To C O N C L A V E



DevianceDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 9:13 PM | Message # 8
Very Active
Group: Friends
Messages: 128
Status: Offline
he play Lineage II 2.5 years and on the Abyss only 2 days and already almost have subclass...
Question for Dodo: how long u want to play on Abyss x300?

<=== this is FatSanta [FatMafia, FatSatan etc....] xD
357841Jun1orDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 9:14 PM | Message # 9
Group: Visitor
Messages: 179
Status: Offline
I don't understand he don't have nobl he can't join.Why u give him ur +?

Respect to dwarfs
Respect To C O N C L A V E



DevianceDate: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 9:19 PM | Message # 10
Very Active
Group: Friends
Messages: 128
Status: Offline
Quote (357841Jun1or)
I don't understand he don't have nobl he can't join.Why u give him ur +?

Because I liked its application and soon he will be Nobl... so I do not see problems

<=== this is FatSanta [FatMafia, FatSatan etc....] xD
501Date: Saturday, 2007-10-27, 11:11 PM | Message # 11
Sexual pervert
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1369
Status: Offline
When u finihs quests , we can talk again.

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

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