name: Eduardo Age:17 Your country:brazil ------------------------------------------------------ Nick on abyss: xxcrissorochxx Your class (main and sub classe's): cardinal;adventurer;mistyc muse;hierophants How long you play LA2?: 1age 3moths How Long you play abyss x300?: 10moths When you usualy play, and how much;(Morning,night etc...): night,afetter In what clan you was before?: the clan is best for game Why you left earlyer clan if you had it?: fist seeandbelieve; theabyssforce(of my friends) Where/how did you heard for us?: whats is the best Your PvP/PK score?: 234/0 Do you agree with clan rulls?: yes ------------------------------------------------------ Why you decided to join us?: whats is good Do you have twinks;(nick/'s): no Your ICQ/ Do you use TeamSpeak:?yes
^^ You bastards tainted my tool Raped my words, played me a fool Gather your precious glitter and leave me be The Great Ones are all dead And I'm tired, too