1.Nickname: Elficzka
2.RealName: Alan
3. What is ur main class and subclasses: Mystic Mouse, Necro,
4. What is ur experience of L2:I play 8 months.
5. When and how often do u play and how many hours per day: 2-5h
6. Can u be on all sieges and planned events: If mine sister dont play i can
7. Can u be on forum everyday: Yes
8. Ur attitude to PK and PvP: if i must i pk :P i very like pvp (no cancel, no silence )
9. Why you have chosen our clan: Like name and good clan
10. Do u have friends in our ally: BurnYourAss and Miatka
And a little about urself:
1. How old r u: 16
2. What is ur interests in life except L2: Football, girls
3. What qualities in people do u appreciate most of all: hmmmm ;p
4. Contact information(ICQ, mail, phone number): skejcik311@wp.pl mine phone? im form Poland ;p mine old clan is: CocaCola, BambOOchA, Muminki, 1PrisonBreak1