Alan Cenanovic Birthday:
19 January 1984
Place of residence:
Brcko (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
Playing games,work in PC club, ex-marshal arts fighter
Game background:
Started to play Lineage 3,5 years ago....playing every good game
Idols in life:
Muhamed Ali
Life philosophy:
Place you would like to go:
What makes you laugh:
Everything...i always laugh )
First game which you played:
Super Mario
Worst nightmare:
Having sex with gays
Favorite band/musician:
Linkin Park,Nightwish
Favorite book:
Lord of The Rings
Favorite drink:
Favorite food:
Cevapi (traditional Bosnian food)
Favorite animal:
Favorite movie:
Lord Of The Rings
Favorite TV show:
Oprah show
Dumbest question you have ever been asked:
"Do you want ice cream for free?"